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Right. Are you asking yourself ‘what on earth is a meniscus?’”  If so.. read on..


The dictionary definition is as follows:


Main Entry: meniscus
Pronunciation: m&-'nis-k&s
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural menisci /-'nis-"(k)I, -"kE/ also meniscuses

1 : a crescent or crescent-shaped body
2 : A disk of cartilage that acts as a cushion between the ends of bones in a joint       A disk of cartilage that acts as a cushion between the ends of bones in a joint
3 : a concavo-convex lens
4 : the curved upper surface of a liquid column that is concave when the containing walls are wetted by the liquid and convex when not


We don’t care about definition 1, 2 or 3, but definition 4 is where we took the name from.  We like the fact that you can squeeze more than a pint into a glass by overfilling it and letting the meniscus layer do it’s thing. 

So, like the meniscus on a pint, we try and squeeze that little extra into every song we write, perform or record.

















































Ok, you sussed us.. We heard the word and thought it sounded like a good name..